Lateral extra-articular tenodesis does not enhance ACL graft healing, however, does reduce graft tunnel widening
Journal of Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (KSSTA)
Biologic therapies in stress fractures: Current concepts
Journal of ISAKOS
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. February 12-16th 2024 San Francisco Does the use of Lateral Extra-Articular tenodesis…

George Jacob, Yoong Lim, Cristian Brito Ayet, Dr. David Parker
Biphasic Osteochondral Restoration Techniques Using Synovial Stem Cells and Artificial Bone

George Jacob, Kazunori Shimomura, Wataru Ando, David A. Hart & Norimasa Nakamura
Role of MSCs in Symptomatic Cartilage Defects

The introduction of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into orthopedics has opened a variety of new evolving cellular treatments for treat…
Meniscus Injury and Early Osteoarthritis

Meniscal injuries are a frequently encountered clinical scenario and at present in patients of all age groups and activity levels. They have been known to occur as a result
The Current Role of Stem Cell Therapy and iPS Cells

The use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for the treatment of osteoarthritis has been explored extensively over the last two decades…
Mechanical and Biologic Properties of Articular Cartilage Repair Biomaterials

Synovial-derived mesenchymal stem cells (SDMSCs) have been shown to have superior proliferative and differentiation capaci…
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine An Encyclopedic Review of Diagnosis, Prevention, and Management

Covers all important orthopaedic sports injuries, documenting epidemiology, diagnosis, management, and treatment…
Total Knee Arthroplasty in Paget’s Disease using 3D-Printed Patient-Specific Femoral Jig–A Case Report
Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports